Equipment Used
I have a selection of training aids that we can use for whichever part of the game we are focussing on, hoops / thera-bands / foam blocks / club attachments etc, but the chief among them is the Trackman Golf Radar System.
If I’m preaching that impact and ball flight are the centre of my coaching beliefs then I better have a way of measuring it and being able to show you, and Trackman is one of the best in the business, probably the best.

To quote the Trackman website “Golf practice and player development are going through a period of tremendous change, and technology is a central component in that transformation … With TrackMan, you have all those tools to jump ahead. From our groundbreaking club and ball tracking golf radar systems to the best performance enhancing software available in the industry today.”
Every person that I coach gets a profile space (free of charge) on where they will be able to view their own swing videos, watch screencasts, see reports and more. There’s also an extensive set of learning resources on mytrackman for you to explore if you are so inclined, videos / infographics / their Blog etc etc, it’s excellent.

To compliment the Trackman, I have high speed cameras synchronised with it and a 32 inch screen right in front of you where you can see your swing and relevant data, usually within 10 seconds of the shot being hit.
Furthermore, the Trackman Virtual Golf system allows us to “play” rounds on some of the world’s best and most prestigious golf courses. We also have the option to practice “on-course” by choosing almost any location on any of the holes on the course list and playing shots repeatedly from that point until we wish to move, it’s incredible really.
As if that is not enough, we can even hit balls on the Trackman Virtual Range or if we’re feeling competitive, have Nearest the Pin competitions on any of the holes on the Course list too – like I said, one of the best in the business, probably the best.