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Games for Learning

Swing Technique

Let’s start with a question

What is the point of the Golf Swing?



My answer?

“To deliver the clubface to the ball in an appropriate position to make the ball travel how I want it to (or at least something as close as I can get to what I want)”.

SF Swing Sequence setup, top, impact and follow through

Training technique then, is an exercise in refining movements to satisfy the task of delivering Club to Ball so that the right balance of Sweetspot Strike, Clubface Aim, Club Path (or more loosely Swing Direction), Clubhead Speed and the clubhead’s Angle of Approach to the ball (and first contact point with the ground) is met, and the desired ball flight is produced.

Priority 1 is impact and ball flight and then priority 2 is how you move to achieve priority 1.

Start with ball flight, then decide what impact condition produces that, then figure out what swing style (technique) is needed and then what starting positions to occupy to give you the greatest chance of doing those things.

Here are some games / drills to help you do that…

SF Golf Games For Learning - Strike Point cover image

Click the button below to view the pdf, then if you want to keep a copy for yourself use the download / save button in the toolbar.

Click the button below to view the pdf, then if you want to keep a copy for yourself use the download / save button in the toolbar.

Click the button below to view the pdf, then if you want to keep a copy for yourself use the download / save button in the toolbar.

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